An explorer, researcher and experienced sailor, Emily Penn lives her life between land and sea. As a speaker and activist her passion to protect the seas led her to form the all...
Sam Bleakley has led a life blessed by the sea. From competing around the world, to commentating for the WSL and exploring emerging surf cultures, he has built a career...
“Music is powerful. As people listen to it, they can be affected. They respond.”- Ray Charles With live music on hold and the Spotify playlists doing the rounds, we put it...
From winter to spring. From darkness to light. From storm to calm. Over the last few months those transitions have been felt keenly by many. As we finally start to feel...
We live on a planet in the midst of an ecological crisis of our own making, a reality that 2019 brought into sharp focus. We know what must be done....
As part of Wool Week, the Campaign for Wool is continuing its mission to educate the world about the numerous benefits of nature's original super fibre. At Finisterre, we've always...
We couldn’t take a trip to the north east and not pay a visit to Finisterre Ambassador Sandy Kerr. Sandy is our constant link to this community of north sea...
Summer is the season of fruitfulness; the earth offering up its bounty to sustain our families and fill our stomachs. The journey from seed to veg to plate is one...
In 2014, Fergal Smith embarked on a dream. A professional surfer who'd become all too aware of the footprint his lifestyle was creating, Fergal stopped back from the competitive circuit....
Moy Hill Farm, a community garden and farming project in County Clare, Ireland set up by Finisterre Ambassadors, Fergal Smith and Matt Smith now finds itself in its fourth year...
"Consider them both, the sea and the land; and do you not find a strange analogy to something in yourself?" - Herman Melville, Moby Dick. After another year of tending to the...
"Our connection to the sea and natural cycles is at the heart of A Lunar Cycle" - Finisterre Ambassador, Easkey Britton. A short film directed by Andrew Kaineder fusing cold water surfing,...
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