Vestfirðir: An Icelandic Playlist | Chris McClean
A picture can paint a thousand words. A moving picture with a score to it can go further still. Working over the years with photographer / videographer, Chris McClean, it has become apparent that in addition to his eye for the sublime he has a keen ear to fittingly orchestrate a sound suited to its backdrop.
We asked Chris to kindly put a playlist together that might lend itself to understand what Iceland may of sounded like for the team and himself as they skirted around the fjords and towering cliffs. Of course he snuck a couple of Bjork numbers in there too...
"Making a playlist is like opening up your heart; making this was a pleasure yet a curse. Every track says something and each track is a chink in my armour, a line on my face and a crease in my clothes.
I hope you enjoy each track as much as I do; with each one I can feel Icelandic mist swirling around the mountain pass on the way to Saebol, the rocky path into the Hornstrandir Reserve and the smell of campfires that won’t wash from my clothes."
Words, image and playlist by Chris McClean