Broadcast / LOOKING BACK


It's important we innovate, it's important we look forward and take risks. But it's also important to look back and savour the magic. 2014 was a hell of a year, many moments we are proud of and one's that will keep us grinning for a while, and the best bit, we are only just getting started.

We Danced.

Charles Dance is not a name synonymous with surfing, let alone cold water surfing, but when one of our finest films to date was just about finished, it was missing something. As many of you know, we are 20 strong, we do not have deep pockets, or an arsenal of resources, but we have belief - a deep belief in what we're doing and the direction we want to take it. We didn't think in a million years that Charles Dance, Ernest Capbert our brand director, Chris McClean our film director and a handful of talented others would be in the Red Bull studios, putting together a voice over that would pull at all our heart strings.

Mr. Dance, you've left us with an evening we'll never forget.

We Found Cold

What do you want to do, what do you love, what makes your heart beat hardest and the earth below your feet quake? Man has been asking this question for centuries. We can't say we've found all the answers, but we did find some very cold, uncrowded, world class waves this year, ones that we'd like to think have never been surfed. We didn't take images, we promised each other all we would do is talk about the fact that it's out there - undiscovered, cold, world class waves and they're yours to be had if you want them, you just have to be willing to scoot away from the desk, your home and follow your nose.

It's out there if you want it.

We Found Home

It has been over a decade that we've been building this place, a place slammed together with wood, bent nails, banged out windows and enough belief to move a small mountain. The workshop sits on a cliff and within it, you find those who believe in what we're doing, the boards we ride and the fabrics and design dreams we pursue. It has taken us nearly 10 years to find the next home, but we did, only this time instead of being surrounded by hardened rocks and waves, we found asphalt, big building and the buzz of our nations capital.

London is now our second home and we wanted to thank you all for making it happen and those who live there for opening up your doors.

Come see us in 2015

We Made Some Great Friends 

There are some talented people out there. Some of them want to be found and others keep away from bright streets and road signs and for some reason, it is always those who we gravitate towards and find. Some of you helped us with our films and others with our shop in London.

For what it's worth and there are too many of you to thank, we're extending a warm hand and warm hug for making this last year happen.

We Picked Up Some Awards 

Although we've never been ones to go looking for them, they do feel good, they help top up our tanks when the fuels running low. This past year we picked up two Vimeo Staff Pick Awards, one for Coming Up for Air and the other for Edges of Sanity. We also picked up the Best Brand of the year Award by Wavelength Surf Magazine.

Those behind the work, in your far corners, splintered throughout Europe and the rest of the world - thank you for throwing more than just the kitchen sink at it.

Powered By Production

Apparently when the great moments happen in history, they often say that those who get recognised are a fraction of the part that powered the achievement. There is a department here within Finisterre that without it, there would be no Finisterre and it is made up of a small team, one that brings us the very products we wear, the ones that protect us from the elements and keep us in hot pursuit of the things we love.

Debs, Niamh and Todd - what a tremendous year.


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