As the legendary story goes, in the 1960’s Easkey’s grandmother, Mary Britton, a hotel owner, returned to Ireland from a trip to California with two classic Malibu surfboards. Her intention was offer them to hotel guests, but instead her five sons, including Easkey’s father Barry took the boards to the waves, making the Britton boys the first pioneers of Irish surfing. By the time Easkey was born, surfing was a regular part of her family’s life. Her father remains her number one surfing companion.

Easkey is the first Irish woman to be nominated for the Global WSL Big Wave Awards but there’s more to Easkey than surfing. It is her intellect and her quest to learn and create change in an often unfair world that really defines her. A scientist, academic and social activist, Easkey is always one to look in places others aren’t for the answers to difficult questions. Her curiosity and passion for fairness and gender equality are the qualities that drew us to her in the first place.

She is co-founder of the non-profit Waves of Freedom which uses the power of surfing as a creative medium for social change and spear-headed the world’s first global Surf and Social Good Summit in Bali this year. She has presented her work at international conferences and published numerous book chapters and articles in peer-reviewed journals.

Easkey is a one off, wild hearted and a free spirit. She’s ridden some of the biggest days in Ireland; no audience, no blue skies, no golden sands, just her and a crew she trusts. Doing something she loves; chasing cold water mountains.

She has been a friend of ours for a while. Having her join us on our journey as an ambassador is a huge moment and a real privilege.


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