Broadcast / Always Have, Always Will | Product, Environment, People

Always Have, Always Will | Product, Environment, People

Our Three Points Of Commitment - A Note From Founder Tom Kay

It’s been fourteen years since I set out to build a brand based on my beliefs. Beliefs of making better product and a better way of being as a business. I wasn’t a designer or a businessman and this wasn’t a rehearsed formula. Blind optimism and resilience were the wind in my sails. I had a clear vision of what the future could look like, I just had to work out how to get there. But that’s the journey.

And every journey worth making has its challenges. Only after the heat of a battle do you look back and release how hard you fought. From where we stand today, I look back at the way we weathered those early storms and curve balls (and there were a few) with a mix of pride and achievement.

I’m often asked what one thing stands out as a key character in that journey - in the face of doing things differently, being innovative, always challenging what has gone before and seeking alternatives where possible. Some might say it’s a hard thing for a small brand from Cornwall to do, yet that’s the fire in our belly, the belief that you can affect change.

And my answer is the same – firstly it’s the people that jump on board to share and help drive the vision forward in an ever changing world; and secondly it’s about a set of brand principles that act as a pole star, guiding you through uncharted waters. And our pole star has always been our three points of commitment - to product, environment and people. Here’s to the next fourteen years.

- Tom Kay

View Our Commitments 



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